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Local Mode

Can Newcar only run in a browser? Not at all! It can also run on nodejs, which we call local mode!

Using ncli

First, make sure that FFmpeg is installed on your computer, then use the following command to install ncli:

$ npm install -g @newcar/cli
$ #or
$ npm i -g @newcar/cli

Next, we initialize the engine and create a LocalApp:

// Initialization and import are omitted
const app = engine.createLocalApp(1600 /* width of the canvas */, 900 /* height of the canvas */)
// The rest is omitted, remember, there is no `play` method in local mode

Finally, we set app as the default export:

export default app

Then we run the ncli command:

$ ncli export input.js 200 output.mp4 --fps=60
  • input.js: Your program file
  • 200: The duration of the recording, in frames
  • output.mp4: The output directory
  • --fps=60: The frame rate of the video

And then you can find the directory where the video is located!

Released under the Apache-2.0 license